
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Erkin ?ZG?RAY” ,找到相关结果约5180条。
Long Term Survivors of Glioblastoma
Journal of Neurological Sciences , 2009,
Abstract: There is no generally accepted definition of long-term GBM survivors (LTGBMS). Usually most authors define long-term GBM survivor as a patient who survives at least 3 years after the histological diagnosis of glioblastoma. LTGBMS are uncommon and are reported to occur in 0.5%-16% of cases. In our ENOK (Ege Neuro-Oncology Council) cases we have 12 out of 372 GBM patients who survived more than 3 years (3.2%). The clinical and molecular factors that contribute to long-term survival are still unknown. Authors underline the association of glioblastoma long-term survival with prognostically favorable clinical factors, in particular young age and good initial performance score (KPS) as well as MGMT promotor hypermethylation.
Gerstmann Syndrome; A Frequent Pathology Presenting With A Rare Symptomatology
ErkinZGRAY,Kaz?m ?NER,?zzet ?VUL,Ahmet ACARER
Journal of Neurological Sciences , 2012,
Abstract: We report a case of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) of the left parietal lobe presenting with Gerstmann Syndrome (GS). A 54-year-old woman presented dyscalculia. The computed tomography depicted a cystic mass in the left parietal lobe, thus she was referred to our department. Her detailed neurological examination revealed left-right disorientation, finger agnosia and agraphia with dyscalculia. Pathological examination of the tumor revealed GBM. This most common primary malignancy of the central nerve system rarely presents with GS. Detailed neurological examination may locate the pathology of the brain prior to the radiological examinations and is still precious despite the rapid progression of the radiological technologies.
Current Status and Optimization of Electrical Grids in ?anakkale Region for Renewable Energy Systems as Future Technology
- , 2018,
Abstract: Mankind has been interwined with energy sources throughout the ages. Since the beginning of industrial revolution, fossil resorces have been used intensively due to increasing energy requirements. Today, when we look at the world and our country in general, a trend towards renewable energy sources is growing day by day. Especially in the last 10 years, the share of energy produced from renewable and clean energy sources has been extraordinarily increased. Concentration of renewable energy sources at some regions, especially scattered as low-power plants in the several geographic locations causes many problems in the electricity grid in terms of energy quality. If the electricity grid cannot be strengthened in parallel with the increase of production power plants, the quality of production and continuity of electricty may not be achieved, even though production resources increase. It is certain that, in the future, the effects of renewable energy sources on the grid, and the positive and negative aspects of each system according to the source will be further investigated. It is because each renewable energy source included in the distribution and transmission system should be examined together with the objectives of satisfying the demand of the system and increasing the quality. It is important to determine in advance which parts of the network are available for connection of the renewable power plants, in order to ensure the stable operation of the electricity network. Therefore, the current state of electricity networks in ?anakkale region has been investigated in this study and it has been determined what should be done in transition to renewable energy systems
Tax Expenditures Inconsistently with Financial and Social Functions in Inheritance and Transfer Tax
Filiz G?RAY,zgür Mustafa ?MüR
- , 2019,
Abstract: Tax immunity, exemption, discount, etc., as a fiscal policy means for achieve economic and social goals such as economic growth, regional development and justice in income distribution is called as tax expenditure in the financial literature. When tax expenditures are used outside of their purposes or exceed the specified limit, they cause both a decrease in tax revenues and deviations from the justice of taxation. Tax expenditures are included in all tax types when they are examined in terms of theoretical and practical aspects. The tax that constitutes the subject of this work is the inheritance and transfer tax as the tax type on the wealth. Tax expenditures are one of the main determinants of inheritance and transfer tax income, which must be included in the tax system in terms of financial and social functions and an indicator of the tax payment power. The aim of this study is to search , tax expenditures which are included in Turkish inheritance and transfer tax and in contradiction to the principle of justice in taxation and tax erosion in inheritance and transfer tax revenues due to reasons of tax expenditures
Issues of balanced development in Uzbekistan economy
Erkin Shadmanov
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business , 2010,
Abstract: The article confers on the path and prospects of structural transformations in Uzbekistan. The author believes that successive policies implemented after gaining the country independence have allowed building up foundations of the balanced developmental model of economy.
Treating approaches of neurotic disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Erkin Toirov
Medical and Health Science Journal , 2010,
Abstract: During investigation of neurotic conditions in 168 patients with rheumatoid arthritis in 65.6% patients it was determined neurotic disorders (ND) of different severity. Astheno-vegetative disorders were diagnosed in most cases (61.3%). Treatment of ND was carried out depending on the type and degree of its significance. In case of mild ND degree the complex treatment included sing general stimulating medications, physiotherapy and treatable physical training. Treatment for moderate ND degree used sedative medication (novopassit, sedavit, glisin, pion tincture), and the one for severe disease degree used antidepressants and tranquilizers. The treatment duration depended on the type of therapy (10-21 days).The treatment course provided significant reduction of ND symptoms in 66 patients (54.1%) and full reduction of symptoms - in 44 patients (36.1%). In 12 patients (9.8%) we did not determine any reductions of clinical symptoms of ND. Psychotherapy course provided positive outcomes in 62.3% of patients, satisfactory - in 26.2% of patients, and unsatisfactory - in 11.5% of patients. In the control group (46 patients without ND) these results were taken accordingly in 52.2%, 37.0% and 10.8% of patients.
Structure of neurotic disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and their relationship with the clinical and laboratory indexes
Erkin Toirov
Medical and Health Science Journal , 2010,
Abstract: In 168 patients with rheumatoid arthritis we examined the conditionof the neuropsychological status by using the methods established inthe Institute of the General and Forensic Psychiatry named by V.Serbski. About 63.1% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis hadvegetative disorders, 60.7% of patients had asthenic disorders,30.4% of patients - affective disorders, 18.5% of patients -hypochondriac disorders, 9.5% of patients - hysteric disorders and4.8% of patients had persistent disorders. The frequency ofneurological disorders was depending on the age of the patients, theduration of the disease, the degree of the activity of the process, andthe functional insufficiency of joints. The degree neurologicaldisorders was related with the disorders of immunity, the indexes ofthe inflammation, and the changes of the spectrum of hormones inthe blood.
Remembering: Academician Mirsaid Mirrakhimov (1927-2008)
Erkin Mirrakhimov
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2012,
Colonic Self-Expandable Metal Stent Placement: Seven-Year Experience
Erkin ?zta?
- , 2018,
Abstract: Giri? ve Ama?: Kendili?inden geni?leyebilen metalik stentler kolonun benign ve malign bir ?ok hastal???nda giderek artan s?kl?kta kullan?lmaktad?r. Malign ve benign darl?klar, ka?aklar ve perforasyonlar en s?k g?rülen kullan?m endikasyonlar?d?r. Bu ?al??mada amac?m?z kolona kendili?inden geni?leyebilen metalik stent yerle?tirmi? oldu?umuz hastalar?n verilerini retrospektif olarak de?erlendirmektir. Gere? ve Y?ntem: Türkiye Yüksek ?htisas E?itim ve Ara?t?rma Hastanesinde 2010-2017 y?llar? aras?nda kolona kendili?inden geni?leyebilen metalik stent yerle?tirilen hastalar?n verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastalara kolon stentleri 2 farkl? teknik kullan?larak yerle?tirildi. Distal lezyonlarda k?lavuz tel üzerinden yaln?zca floroskopi yard?m?yla, proksimal lezyonlarda ise kolonoskopun terap?tik kanal?ndan kendili?inden geni?leyebilen metalik stent ge?irilerek endoskop ve floroskop birlikte kullan?larak yerle?tirildi. Bulgular: ?al??maya toplam 41 hasta al?nd? (ya? ortancas?: 63,6, erkek/kad?n: 28/13). 40 hastaya kolonik obstrüksiyon, 1 hastaya ise anastomoz ka?a?? nedeniyle kendili?inden geni?leyebilen metalik stent yerle?tirildi. Kolonik obstrüksiyonu olan hastalar?n 36 tanesinde neden kolorektal kanserken di?er 4 hasta benign nedenlere ba?l? darl?k geli?mi?ti. Genel olarak bak?ld???nda teknik ba?ar? oran? %82, klinik ba?ar? oran? ise %96 olarak izlendi. Toplam 4 hastada komplikasyon geli?ti?i g?rüldü; iki hastada erken d?nemde perforasyon ve migrasyon geli?ti. Di?er iki hastada ge? d?nemde reobstrüksiyon geli?ti?i g?rüldü. Tart??ma: Kolonik metal stentlerin yüksek teknik ve klinik ba?ar?lar? ve dü?ük komplikasyon oranlar?, bu stentleri uygun endikasyonu olan hastalarda ?nemli bir tedavi modalitesi haline getirmi?tir. Bu nedenle sadece kolorektal kanserde de?il, anastomoz darl?klar?nda ve ka?aklar?nda da kolonik metal stentlerin ?nemli bir tedavi metodu oldu?u ak?lda tutulmal?d?r
Inverse Structural Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators
Erkin Gezgin
- , 2019,
Abstract: This work tries to address structural synthesis procedures of parallel manipulators in a different point of view. In generic methodology while structural synthesis starts from deciding the structure of the platforms and computing the structure of the legs in terms of specified constraints, proposed procedure follows an inverse analogy. After the determination of desired number of legs and subspace constraints of the whole manipulator, possible configurations of platform structures are extracted and checked for their constructability. Throughout the study proposed procedure was introduced in detail along with the constraint equations. Utilizing introduced procedure for given examples, structural groups of parallel manipulators were created with respect to the desired constraints and actuators were attached for mobility considerations. All of the results were tabulated throughout the study in order to form various kinds of parallel manipulators as parallel platform manipulators, serial platform manipulators, and serial-parallel platform manipulators. Due to approach methodology, the procedure is named as the inverse structural synthesis

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